image with the sign of the Greek Church

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Representation of the Church of Greece to the E.U.



Archbishop Christodoulos on the European Union:

"The greatest task of peace and development in our history is the European Union.

Indeed, it is the first time in our sovereign history --and it was just yesterday that battling states jointly decided to gradually reduce, but with a swift rate, their national sovereignty in order to build the policies and economy of the community.

We Europeans did not create our union by rejecting our national histories and traditions; we did not create this union by rejecting our literature and language. The European Union is not our product of making the European populations equal, but of a brave elevation of them from the realism of nationalistic conflicts to the dream of a social brotherhood. Realism was defeated, the dream triumphed, because the dream spanned the centuries, it was the aspiration running through all the national histories and traditions of the people of Europe. For this reason I say that our common European house will be built with the pages of our histories, and not by forgetfulness. We are not lotus-eaters. No European populace is inclined to forget itself."