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Letter to Mr Bush on the recognition of the U.S.A. of FYROM as "Republic of Macedonia"


His Excellency
President George W. Bush,

Dear Mr President,

This is our second letter to Your Excellency within a very short period of time. Indeed, the happy news of Your re-election to the Presidency of the United States of America was clouded by the unfortunate announcement of the recognition of the U.S.A. of FYROM as “Republic of Macedonia”.

Whatever Your government officials/ intentions were in suggesting such a bold move, we are sorry to say that not all consequences have been taken into account. A balanced and unfavorable attitude on the part of the U.S.A. would have been more appreciated by both parts, i.e. Greece and FYROM. So far, pending a European Union/s effort to resolve the name dispute, FYROM has considered us a friendly neighbour country awaiting in our anteroom before formal reception would take place and financial business would commence.

Now, however, things are bound to change dramatically. We have already been recipients of fears by FYROM personalities that although the recognition of their constitutional name had been long awaited for, the announcement on the part of the U.S.A. caused an inhibition with regard to the already fragile relations with Greece. FYROM/s Partnership for peace with NATO does not by any means qualify their preferable treatment to that of a NATO ally as Greece is. Nor can a de facto recognition overturn the historical grounds Greece has against the usurpation of the name “Macedonia” by FYROM. Every Greek brings within himself this historical bit. It is not just the Greek lands that bring to the surface the remnants of the Macedonian dynasty. It is the very culture and genes that have been passed down to us through the ages.

For these reasons, Your Excellency can understand that any enforced deviation from this historical truth may not bear ripe fruits of peace and good neighbouring but unripe fruits of distrust and animosity between the two “Macedonias”.

Therefore, we humbly suggest that the U.S.A. may not rush on the matter of the recognition of FYROM with a final name for international relations, but instead deliver their welcomed aid on the negotiations taking place within the E.U. spectrum.

Yours, in Christ, our Lord and Saviour,

Archbishop of Athens

and Primate of the Orthodox Church of Greece

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